We are extremely proud to announce that we have gained ISO 45001 certification for our health and safety management. ISO 45001 is recognition that our systems, monitoring and reporting meet demanding international health and safety standards across all our operations.

Gaining certification has been a focus for the company and achieving this standard has been the culmination of work completed over the last two years. One of our key values is “Safety” which is supported by our Safety Vision “Safe work Safe home”. The ISO process and certification demonstrates our health and safety commitment to our customers and staff.

Although ISO 45001 has been around for five years, not all transportation businesses have sought or achieved certification.

We recognise that our customers are needing highly compliant solutions to compete on the world stage. ISO 45001 aligns with international best practise and is widely considered to be the gold standard in health and safety. Gaining ISO 45001 certification is just one way that we are supporting our customers and kaimahi to thrive.